
JOAN VELIE SEMMER  1. Cheerleading under a full autumn moon, listening to the Pep and warm-up and waiting for the football team to run onto the field.  2. The first all -girl debate team in the state: Geri Pederson. Andrea Molberg, Joan Velie, and Lori Hanson.  3. falling backwards off a saloon bar during a dance in" Calamity Jane" Thanks for catching me Arnie!  4.  Meeting Phil Semmer in Rocky Elton's 10th grade American History Class.

JAMES (JIM) DUNN Ave Nelson, Gary Schmidt and I worked at this very golf club in the summer before our senior year.  Ave was a locker room attendant and, Gary and I were bus boy's / dishwashers.  We got to play free golf on Monday mornings and we all scored under par. 

RICHARD (RICH) FORTNER I lived thru it!! 

MICHAEL (MIKE) WALT — Friday night dances and Jim Wear's Band.

CLAUDE BUETTNER — The International Relations Club, brainstormed for a fundraiser and we came up with a coat hanger drive! Someone was able to get one of the local top 40 station to promote it and, we were flooded with coat hangers, so many that it was a problem to get rid of them.. I still chuckle at youth's enthusiasm and goofiness. 

KURT MYRMEL 1.  Failed and entire quarter for reading CLIFF NOTES instead of a book in Humanities Class.  2. Miss Roden and the Cooperative Education program that started me toward my PhD in Biochemistry at Mayo Clinic . 3.   Lettering on the swim team. 

CATHRYNE (CATHY) OBERG I will never forget Concert Band - Mr. Shannon throwing batons at the horns.  giggling in the clarinet section, early morning band class. Senior Honors Humanities class, field trips, the Guthrie, "Creative something" project.  Orchestra - Pit Orchestra for play, cast parties, Good Friends- Deb Clausen, Violet Anderson, Sue Haase, Janet Pavlik. German Class Mr. Boehme! Being clueless in Physics. Mr.  Pintozzi  -" fluffy". Pizza after basketball games (losing in overtime (sad)  Bouffant hair, dress codes, skirts at the knee, Bermuda shorts on Fridays, NO Slacks, Looking forward to college.

LOYLE (BUZZ) RAYMOND October, 1965. Metropolitan Stadium game 7 of the world Series. Jim Kaat picture for the Twins vs. Sandy Koufax pitcher for the Dodgers. It was a great sunny day, and little did I know this was Minnesota Sports History.  I didn't see much of the game, but in hindsight, what a privilege to be there! Ray Streeter (always with a smile on his face) had asked me to help sell memorabilia for him at a souvenir stand that he had. We were busy!! Thank you, Ray Streeter (May God Bless your Soul). Wonderful memories of a special International Relation trip to NY and Washington DC in the spring of 1968. Climbed all 898 steps of the Washington Monument. Thank You, Mr. Rumpel, for some really unique opportunities in the memorable year. A special toast to my best friend in high school, Rollie Berg. You were the world's best tennis doubles partner. Too many memories to even list. May God Bless your soul! 

REBECCA (BECKY) GARAY 1.My high school started with a new school with my childhood friend Jean Robinson.  I was one of a hand full of 9th graders that went to Portland Jr High, because of the border change we were to go to Lincoln High School, not Kennedy. It was like starting over, new class mates. Jean had gone to Assumption so Lincoln was going to be a new experience for her too. We both soon met many new friends and got involved in GAA.  2. I loved Ph.Ed. Mrs. Bots, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Nelson. I enjoyed all three teachers. I was a student aid for Mrs. Nelson and one day hoped to teach Ph.Ed., but that didn't work out.  3. I wasn't crazy about the typing class with Mr. Weyandt. Today I'm so grateful for that class.  4. I made many friends in High School from all groups. I enjoyed football and basketball games, cheering with the cheerleaders, watching the Bruinettes and the marching band perform and the may plays.  5. I was very grateful that Arnie Eggebrecht agreed to go to Sadie Hawkins with me. We had so much fun. We went to the Brave New Workshop after the dance.

LINDA EVANS — Football games, wearing wool Bermuda shorts and knee highs with a matching sweater. Talking until the touchdown and than clapping. * Looking out the class room window at the Red Barn (90th and Penn) wishing to be outside. * My junior history teacher would give us 5 to 10 Minutes of instruction then sit at his desk while we read and did the Q's at the end of the section,  two or three times a week, he would go to the teacher's lounge to burn a couple of heaters (cigarettes). Then return 5 minutes before the bell, followed by the smell. My friends would get me out of classes to work on the newspaper and argue with teachers until she won. * In psychology class, thinking how pretty and classy Katherine Roth looked. * Best teachers: Mr. Kurma for always having discussions with the lessons. Mrs. Fridland for actually teaching writing and explaining back ground information about the authors and the times they wrote it. * Small times: dances and prom in the gym. * No chewing gum or eating anything in class. * No wearing pants to school for girls. * Not sure why the Bear symbol needed to be roped off. * Thinking about what to write in notes, what to wear, and dances.

LINDA MAC NAB — My fondest memories are all the great  friends I had over 3 years of High School.  I enjoyed football games, pep fests days. We certainly  had different dress codes them.  WOW 50 years!! Time goes by fast. Can't wait to see some of my old friends and renew friendships. 

DENNY LIND —  Only good one's!! Except for the time my 1962 Chevy caught on fire in the school parking lot. Being Home Coming page in the 10th grade. Even after graduation, being a truck driver, I would run into fellow grads. Al Kruger, at his business, Randy Simonson & Craig McFarland at Toro. Linda Garbar, where she worked in Bloomington. Ralph Frances and I rode motorcycles together. Even would see Steve Ansell when he were working for CF (Consolidate Freightways). I would also see him when he was driving for Fed-Ex. I could go on, but don't want to bore you anymore. Thanks again Patti for putting this all together. Oh, I and my wife retired in 2008; me, from Yellow Freight. Class of "1968."  

BRAD YEAGER — Good 1. Having Phil Galdhill as my teammate/Partner in intermerial Bball, Phy-Ed, and accountging. 2. Pinning Brian Tarbox and Mr. Oman wrestling, in 12 grade Phy-Ed.  NOT So Good: 1. Dimmishing Terry's, Lori's and the rest of the cast and crew fine performances with my poor performances and behavior. 2. Coach Junker. 

ROSS DAVIS  The Plays - RUT, Calamity Jane, The 1-act ("No One in Beehives…") * Flag raising with Steve St. Martin at home football games. * Taping - over Mr. Ruud's classroom door from the inside. *Senior English project ( Translating Sartre) * Homework done at the last , last Minute. *Thespian Club trip to New York.* All the great classmates, including others years classes of course.* Going to Bridgeman's as a group. * Mini - skirts and big hair. 

DARCY JOHNSON — I only spent my 1st year of H.S. at Lincoln but lived in Bloomington all my life until I moved. I couldn't think of a better place to grow up. So many great memories wonderful people. We were blessed to grow up in that era!! So many fun activities and places - Southtown, Musicland, dances, football games, Southtown Bowl, Mann Theater, and much more. Here's celebrating 50 years. May God Bless you all with good health, peace, and happiness.

ANONYMOUS Friday night games followed by Bridgman's!

ANONYMOUS Hanging out with all the wonderful people of class of "68"

ANONYMOUS Since my house was on the Lincoln / Kennedy border, most of my old friends went to Kennedy, as a result I met Rita who became my best friend.  We are still friends today which I love. 

ANONYMOUS I remember going to St. Paul and area around Minneapolis to look at columns. I believe it was for Humanities. Greek or Roman, Ionic, Orica or Corinthean…I still have to try to guess the right kind. I also remember the wonderful trip to Washington, DC with Honor Society. I roomed with Sue Larson, Chris Melberg & Betty Terpstra, and our room was a disaster.  Experiencing DC for the first time was a remarkable part of my senior year. We climbed to the top of the Washington Monument.  The whole trip was amazing. 

ANONYMOUS There are so many things I remember and cherish from Lincoln. All the years of riding the bus with the same neighborhood kind. Bush Lake…Summer and Winter, band candy, over great lunches ( pizza burgers anyone) football, basketball, and hockey games, being a gum assistant for Mrs. Bots and Mrs. Brown. Never walking on the "bears" and my first kiss. Good times and great friends and dedicated teachers. We had it all. Go Bears!!

ANONYMOUS Mr. Bach's art class my favorite class always had fun!

ANONYMOUS Having fun with fellow bandmates at football and basketball games, especially Vi Anderson, Bunny Aaze, Deb Clausen, Cathy Oberg," Johnson and Johnson Band-Aids" ( Tim and Cindy Johnson)* Playing the Clarinet in the orchestra pit for HS musicals: Annie Get  You Gun, On A Clear Day, And Bye Bye Birdie.

ANONYMOUS From 12th grade Humanities class I still remember: "Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droughte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licour Of which vertu engendred is the flour;" from “The Canterbury Tales.” I am so grateful for the substantive education I received at LHS. It prepared me for further study and a commitment to lifelong learning.